The Devil’s Day Out (2002)
For Orchestra
Instrumentation: 3[1.2/picc1. 3/picc2] 3[1.2.3/cor] 3[1.2/Eb.3/bcl] 3[1.2.3/cbn] – 4 3 3 1 – Harp – Pianoforte (grand) – Timpani+4* – Strings 16 14 12 10 8
Set 1: high and low agogo bells, mid and low bongo, high tom-tom, high guiro, high-hat with jingle ring, mark tree, 8 differently pitched wood blocks (as percussion set 2), tam-tam, bass drum.
Set 2: Japanese temple bowl, mark tree, metal chains, high brake drums, 4 differently pitched Japanese temple blocks, 8 differently pitched wood blocks, low guiro, mid-tom-tom, deep tenor drum, tam-tam, deep bass drum
Set 3: xylophone, high and low agogo bells, high guiro, tam-tam
Set 4: glockenspiel
Duration: 15 minutes.
Please message me through the contact page should you wish to inquire about hiring scores and parts or downloading PDFs of parts for performance.